Watch All the Dances From REVIVAL 4: Virtual!
June 23–27, 2020
The development and performance of REVIVAL 4: Virtual! is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. This program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council and the New York City Department for the Aging. Special support is provided by Speaker Corey Johnson, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, and Council Members Margaret Chin, Vanessa Gibson, Brad Lander, Mark Levine, Bill Perkins, Helen Rosenthal and Jimmy Van Bramer. REVIVAL 4: Virtual! is also made possible in part with funding from the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation and administered by LMCC. Support is also provided by the Alpern Foundation, Jody and John Arnhold, Columbia Community Service, Dance/NYC Dance Advancement Fund, the Mertz Gilmore Foundation, the NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund in The New York Community Trust, the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation and the West Harlem Development Corporation. Naomi Goldberg Haas is the recipient of a Dance/USA Fellowship to Artists, which is made possible with generous funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. SUPPORTED BY DANCE/NYC'S CORONAVIRUS DANCE RELIEF FUND.
Photos by Meg Goldman